My journey as a designer started after high school, with the indecisiveness of choosing one field over the other. Engineering, design, architecture, biotechnology, and a few more fields were staring right at me, which led to a dilemma 🤔 My choice was Design. An intersection of a variety of fields is what I was looking for. The design field was my way ahead. I got to work on multi-faceted projects during my under-graduation. The wide use of design thinking methods fascinated me 🤯 The variety and dynamic nature of this field drive me to work every day. There’s always something new to learn 🤓 I look forward to absorbing this newness as much as I can and converting it into feasible, desirable, and viable solutions 🎯
To keep calm in this chaotic world, I play musical instruments 🎸 Flute is my go-to instrument whenever I feel exhausted. These instruments help me realize that everything is temporary and that change is the only constant in today's dynamic world. I aim to become an agent of change ➡️ changing experiences from 😡 to 🤩
Education 01
Internship 01
Internship 02
Full-time job
Education 02
B.Des in Product Design
It all began at IIITDM, Jabalpur, where I studied and applied design thinking methodologies while pursuing my under-graduation.
SCITECH Park, Pune Univeresity
My first internship involved conducting a design audit of the existing Public Water Dispensing machine and redesigning it to make the interaction more desirable.
Smartivity Labs
My next internship involved designing STEM education games/toys for kids aged 06 -12 years. My game - Polar Puck Magnetic Hockey was launched by Smartivity on Amazon.in
Vitalis Technologies
My first full-time job involved designing and developing medical products and devices with a focus on oncology and neonatology. Two of the projects which I am proud to be a part of were PERMEOS - Electro Chemotherapy device & Giggles - Neonatal Phototherapy goggles
Master of Science in User Experience & Interaction design
After working as a product designer, I pursued Masters in UX and Interaction deisgn to gain expertise on User Research and designing digital products